onsdag 22 februari 2012

Modern Warfare 3

Havent updated here in a while, and now its not even gonna be about League of Legends. I have been playing MW3 now for a while since i bought it. Its a great FPS game for those who just dont like all the tank, airplanes and helicopters like in Battlefield 3, i´ve allways loved infantary so this is atleast the game for me. Good gameplay overall, hard to say anything about it cause its just a pick up and play game. Atleast im gonna go through how i like to play this game.

Class 1: Stealth
Primary Weapon: Scar L, Dual attachments, Suppresed, Hybridscope
Secoundary Weapon: P99 Suppressed
Lethal: Bouncing Betty
Tactical: Flashbang
Perk 1: Scavanger Pro
Perk 2: Assasin Pro
Perk 3: Marksman Pro
Killstreak: Specialist, 2streak: Slight of hand Pro, 4streak: Quickdraw Pro 6streak: Stalker Pro
Deathstreak: Revenge.

This is the class i use the most, the goal with this class is just to run behind the enemys and be undetected to get some easy kills. They cant see me on UAV and they cant see me when i shoot. If u play MW3 this is a class i highly recommend, atleast on Search & Destroy, Teamdeath Match or Free for all. It doesent work as good in Hardcore matches there i use a Machinegun class i can show some day. Hope you enjoyed this small update and that you guys keep gaming! :)

torsdag 2 februari 2012

Warding on Summoners Rift!

Today im going to talk to you about Warding, the things that nobody but the supports buys that gives abit of vision. Im going to show you were the best wards are placed to get you some simple lane control and dont get ganked! Im going to show from both the purple teams view and the blue teams view and also i will show off my flawless paint skills! All the green i have placed on the map is the bushes, you should next to allways place wards in the bushes to get control in them or otherwise you dont know if somebody is hiding in there! The black i have drawn to the picture is just to show u how the terrain acctually goes.

The red dots are for the jungler, he can place offensive wards like this to know if the jungler in the opposite team is doing her buffs so you can gang up with your team and steal the buff and prehaps get a kill.

The blue dots are for the blue team, if you place your wards like this you have controll over the whole water area and knows if the opposite team is going for dragon, if they are heading in your jungle or about to gank you! The 2 blue wards in the middle lane goes for both teams since it doesent matter witch side you is on to find those wards the best.

The purple dots is just a reverse off the blues dots but i put them out anyway for you :)

The wards that are in the bushes on top and bottom lane is just to help you know that there is no jungler hiding there that have walked all the way from base to gank that lane!

This was just the simple keep you alive warding, later on in the game both teams should try to kill the other teams wards with a Oracle elixir (That lets you see invisble things such as wards and champions) or you can place a pink ward were you want to be sure the other team dont have a ward placed.

Note: This warding system is one off the best, me myself did allways used this when i played in a team but it doesent work if not all the lanes does the warding. Lets say you are blue and are on the top lane and you place your ward in the tribush like you should but mid lane dident place their ward then you can get ganked from below. This makes you to either place 1 extra ward a bit down in the water or you place one ward between tri bush and waterbush (Orange on map) same goes for bot lane. This ward works but it doesent give you the most map awarness and thats what you want.

Side Note: Warding doesent help if you dont keep an eye on the minimap!

Please comment and tell me what to go through next!

torsdag 26 januari 2012

Welcome to The Summoners Rift!

In this update im going to talk to you about the summoners rift, the most played map in the league. Its a 5v5 map and got lots off fun to it. How just the map looks is 3 lanes(Green on map), 3 turrets on the lanes(Red on map), 1 inhibitor on each lane if u get to the last turret and if you destory the inhibitor (Purple on map) that lane will spawn a really strong minion that is good for pushing the nexus(Teal and Pink for each team, Team blue and Team Purple) After that the nexus is protected by 2 turrets (Orange on the map) after you have destroyed both the turrets you can start striking the Nexus down but the inhibitors respawn after 5 minutes and then the Nexus is untargetable and super minions stop coming. You only need to have 1 destroyed inhibitor to be able to strike the Nexus.

Now i will go through the jungle alittle bit cause not all the action happens in the lanes! I will give a fast walkthrough off the jungle.

The Red dots on the second picture off summoners rift is the Lizard buff or Red buffs, they give your physical attacks a slow and some true damage. Most off these buffs are taken by the jungler and help them gank lanes since they get a slow. The slow is greater for melee champions then for ranged champions.

The blue dots are the Golem buff or Blue buff, they give you lots off Mana regen and 20% cooldown reduction. This is great for spellcasters and is super to give to the AP-Carry in the mid lane so he can harass (Attack the opposite champion so they need to back to base).

The Yellow dot is the Dragon or the gold buff! This is one off the best buffs in the game cause if you kill it everybody in your team will recieve 125 gold each +25 for the one slaying it. It should at all times be warded so the opposite team dont get it!

The purple dot is the Baron buff, this is the greatest buff in the game. It gives lots off health renegation, boosts ability power and physical damage for the whole team! A good timing to get this is after your team have aced the other team (Killed all off them) so you can push the crap out off them!

The Black dots are the Golems, they have a small buff that regains some off your health (Not much at all) and gives you some gold.

The Pink dots are the Wolves they do the same thing as the Golems but they are weaker and dont give as much gold but they got cricital strike against you.

And last the Green dots are the Wraiths, same thing as the wolves but they dont have the cricital strike.

This will be all for this update! Be sure to stay tuned for the next one and if you feel you are ready to enter the League of legends now just click here and make your account! http://signup.leagueoflegends.com/?ref=4c0010b14639d

onsdag 25 januari 2012

About the game League of legends

Ahoy, im going to talk to you about the game league of legends. Its a Moba game (Multiplayer Online Battle Arena). In this game you play a Champion and go to lanes to farm gold, experience and fight your opponents champions to finally be able to run to the enemy base and destroy their Nexus the goal off the game that makes you Win.  Every 30 seconds it spawns Minions at the nexus (1) that run down the lanes (2) from each side off the map (Check out the picture of Summoners rift to the left to see) and fight eachother. They are here to give champions gold and push turrets. You can allways try to Zone you opponents in every lane to get above them in experience and get to lvl 18 first wich is the Highest lvl. There are 91 Champions at the moment (Characters you play) they all have 5 unique abilitys that they use to conquer the enemy team, 1 passive they start out with, 3 normal spells they can skill at lvl 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9 (You cant skill lvl 2 on a normal spell at lvl 2 so to say) max lvl off these spells are 5 and then we got the ULTIMATE! The best spells in the game, they are the really strong or really helpful spells that can change the fate from dying to getting a kill, you can skill on these at lvl 6,11 and 16. Every champion is diffrent to show this example Karma dont have a ultimate instead she can skill her spells to lvl 6 and got a extra effect on each spell.

There are diffrent roles of the Champions here are 5 that is used the most.

AD-Carry : Is the person that focus Physcial damage and goes for items that gives him physical damage.
Main prio at start off game to get farm at the bottom lane so they can "carry items" for great value of gold and should have the most earned gold in the team. The AD-Carry often decides the how the teamfights goes , if its a really good AD-Carry they can farm and help out in ganks.

Support : The Support is the person who should place most off the wards (Not all off them, the whole team should help out with that) that gives vision in the fog off war even if your not there and help the AD-Carry at bot with keeping the enemy champions away so the AD-Carry can free farm. In Mid-Late game its mostly to have the entire map warded or as much as the support can and to try to help out with her abilitys to win teamfights.

Jungler : The jungler is a person that goes in the jungle and not in any lane. Main prio for the jungler is to gank the lanes that needs it and give away buffs to persons in lanes to get them a advantage. If a jungler dont get many succesfully ganks in earlie game they get quite week since they dont earn that much gold in the jungle. They should also try to get the team to go get the Dragon (Gold Buff) to earn more gold to the whole team.

AP-Carry : The AP carrys goal is to focus Magical Damage and gets items that gives him Abiltity Power (In most cases) so that his Spells deals a greater deal of damage.
Its not really a carry that need items as much as the AD-Carry but they go in the middle lane by their self and tries to earn as much gold as possible and if they get their lane pushed they can come with the jungler and gank a lane (But dont expect them to do that in the Elo-hell). A good Ap carry can handle most fights and stay away when their abilitys are on cooldown and go in again when they are up.

Tank : This person often goes top and tries to farm as good as it can to be helpful and take a beating in mid-late game. The things a good tank should do is to keep the enemys AD and AP-Carry off your teams AD and AP-Carry and sometimes even tank the turrets to get them down in a fast way.

This will be the starters for the first day in this gaming corner. Next update i will go through the maps off the game, Summoners Rift (Main map), The Twisted Treeline (Fast map) and The Crystal Scar (Capture point map).

And if you have something to point out for me just write a comment! :)
If you allready want to test this game out i have good news, its for free! Here is a link to create a account and start going rampage!  http://signup.leagueoflegends.com/?ref=4c0010b14639d 

The warrior poet's gaming corner!

Hi and welcome to The warrior poet's gaming corner! Here i will show how to handle most League of Legends champions and what they can do. The game i will discuss mostly in here is just League of Legends but sometimes i will also discuss other games that i have played and that gave me a huge reaction.